Thursday, January 31, 2008

Technical or Recreational?--summary

Deep diving is a type of technical diving that requires additional training from the customary recreational certification. It began as a challenge to see who could hold the record of depth and mixed gas use. Technical diving is much more difficult than recreational diving. There are around 100 deaths each year out of a million divers or 2.74 for ever y 100,000 divers. In the technical diving area there are about 110 out of every 100,000 divers a year in diving related accidents. Technical diving is overwhelmingly more dangerous that recreation diving. Additional training will never make technical diving as safe as recreational diving because the very makeup of the activity is dangerous. Ten percent of the recreational deaths were because the divers were trying to do activities that were in the technical range without the needed training. They tried to do something that was “clearly outside their individual skills and limits”.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I know that we are suppose to post a new blog fairly often, but what should it contain? Is it okay if they are just random thoughts, feelings, and stories? If we are allowed to write anything then this is like my own personal diary to share with those who read it. Even though that should be slightly uncomfortable, its not. Isn't it strange how it is easier to share feelings with people over a computer than it is in person. I guess most of the fears are taken away from the situation. There is no face to face, so there is no worry about appearance. There is also a time between what is said and the feedback. This helps myself (and maybe others) to be less cautious. It helps to prevent from saying the wrong thing, because when it is typed and re-read we can edit ourselves. Some people may find this blog odd, but I just thought I would throw some questions out there.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

My Wikipedia Editing

The stub that I have decided to add to on Wikipedia is the deep diving stub, found under the diving section of the recreation section.

Friday, January 18, 2008


There are many ways to plagiarise, ranging from intentional to accidental. It is obvious that using other people's words and claiming them as your own is illegal, but a simple mistake in citing sources can be considered to be just as bad. Plagiarism is a serious problem. The website is a very good cite to help clarify the exact terms of plagiarism. Other cites try to help with how to recognise if the paraphrasing that the writer has done, is enough to not be considered to be plagiarism. With the ability for anyone to publish anything, provided by the internet, plagiarism is a growing problem. It is imporant to avoid at all costs the act of stealing other peoples work.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Getting to know me...

I consider myself an open-minded person until I feel pressed to ABSOLUTELY think a certain way. Most of the time there are two sides to every story and I tend to try to hear all other opinions, but that doesn't mean that I will change mine. I am also open-minded of other peoples ideas as long as they are not openly stubborn and are completely convinced that they are never wrong.

Something I learned from the last person I dated is to not try to change anyone. My last past relationship was horrible, but a great learning experience. Not only did I learn to never try to change anyone, but I also learned that you can only try to help someone to a certain point. I learned that if the relationship is not working now, then most likely, it will not work later. Sometimes it is hard to move on, but once that wall is crossed there is a whole new world on the other side!

It's Sunday morning at 10 a.m. If I'm not still sleeping then I am just waking up! If I'm not at school or at work in the morning hours, which for me are anytime before noon, I am in bed. Sundays are relaxation days for me because I work twelve hours on Saturdays.

When I die, I believe I will go to heaven. I believe that Jesus is my Lord and Savior and the those who do will spend eternaty in heaven.

People keep buying me turtlenecks!! I hate turtleneck sweaters. I always feel like I'm being choked! My grandma asked me what I wanted for Christmas last year and I said, "a black sweater, but not a turrtleneck." And what do you think I got?? A BLACK TURTLENECK! I just don't understand. It's always a turtleneck or some really ugly shoes!

The only sport that I am really into at the moment is football. I can't really think of any sport that I don't understand, but I find baseball boreing to watch (sorry baseball fans).

When I was a kid, I actually got a pony for Christmas! I unwrapped a present and it was a little plastic brown and white paint and on it's leg there was a note tied to it. The note said to close my eyes, make a wish, and look out the window. Being seven, I skipped the first two steps and ran to the window to find a pony that looked almost exactly like the toy that was still in my hand. It was a wonderful present. I actually owned a pony!